A clone of QmailAdmin that started as a prototype of
version 1.3.0, and is provided as an example for anyone who wants to
extend it.
Currently, this only works with direct calls to the extension. Once I
get the system library uploaded, I will switch this to use the objects
so it can be switched between data sources before I upload it. If you
want the code now, email me: rwidmer (at)
Parts have been uploaded to CVS. Once it is all uploaded and somewhat
working I'll put together a release.
A collection of PHP functions that manage common
structures on an email server, such as Black Holes, Catch All accounts,
Forwards, Mini-lists, Lists, Mailboxes, Robots and Spam Traps. This
uses either the Deamon Interface, or the PHP extension to do its work.
Daemon Interface:
A php object that handles all the low level
stream interaction to work with the vpopmaild daemon.
PHP Extension:
A c extension to PHP that provides direct access
to vpopmail from php, and a library similar to the Daemon interface that
allows pMailAdmin to use either interface.
System Library:
My way to handle HTML forms, tables and a few
other things used in data intensive web sites.