QmailAdmin written in PHP, for those who want to control Qmail+vpopmail directly from PHP. |
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vpopmaild-php -
PHP object to interface with the vpopmaild daemon.
This object provides access to the vpopmaild daemon using PHP sockets. You must ./configure PHP with enable-sockets to use this object, but you don't have to learn how to use them, it is all hidden. Note that to use this object, you must provide a Domain, UserName and password to the constructor when you create it. If this is incorrect, the object will reject all other operations. When this happens, you must destroy the existing object (unset()) and create another, or just give up and die. The test directory contains a set of PHP command line programs to test each of the functions in the deamon interface. See the README file in that directory for details. It currently contains the following functions: ========================================================= = = = Function Headers only = = = ========================================================= More complete descriptions appear below this list. Utility Functions: function vpopmaild( $Domain, $User, $Password, $Host='localhost', $Port=89 ) { (Constructor) function Quit() { function error_message() { function GetLoginUser() { ========================================================= List Functions: function ListAlias( $Domain, $User='' ) { function ListDir( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ) { function ListDomains( $Sort = 'HDT' ) { function ListLists( $Domain ) { function ListUsers( $Domain ) { ========================================================= Domain Functions: function ListDomains( $Sort = 'HDT' ) { function AddDomain( $Domain, $Password ) { function DelDomain( $Domain ) { function GetLimits( $Domain ) { function SetLimits( $Domain, $Limits ); ========================================================= User Functions: function ListUsers( $Domain ) { function AddUser( $Domain, $User, $Password, $Gecos ) { function DelUser( $Domain, $User ) { function GetLastAuth( $Domain, $User ) { function GetLastAuthIP( $Domain, $User ) { function ModUser( $Domain, $User, $UserInfo ) { function UserInfo( $Domain, $User ) { ========================================================= File Functions: function RmDir( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); function ListDir( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ) { function MkDir( $Domain, $User, $Path ); function RmFile( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); function ReadFile( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ) { function WriteFile( $Contents, $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); ========================================================= Internal Functions: function SockWrite( $Data ) { function SockRead( $MaxLen=2048 ) { function RawSockRead( $MaxLen=2048 ) { ========================================================= = = = Function Descriptions = = = ========================================================= Utility Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The constructor: function vpopmaild( $Domain, $User, $Password, $Host='localhost', $Port=89 ) { $Domain, $User, $Password represent the user you want to login as. $Host and $Port are optional, with defaults. You should check for an error message with the error_message function after attempting to create a vpopmaild object. If there is an error present, you can't do anything else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function Quit() { You should call this before exiting the program to give the server a chance to clean up gracefully. The world probably won't end if you don't but it is possible that sessions will be closed faster if you do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function error_message() { Return the most recent error message, if any from vpopmaild operations. This message will be text, ready for display. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetLoginUser() { Retrive an array full of information about the currently logged in user. User info for logged in user: Array ( [vpopmail_dir] => /mail [uid] => 77 [gid] => 72 [name] => postmaster [comment] => Postmaster [quota] => NOQUOTA [dir] => /mail/domains/ [encrypted_password] => $1$zkJe.3SH$7HOl1RbwfKcibL67iXjsh/ [clear_text_password] => password [domain_admin_privileges] => 1 [system_admin_privileges] => 1 ) ========================================================= List Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ListAlias( $Domain, $User='' ) { Return an array where each element is the name of an alias within $Domain. Mailing lists are listed in with other aliases. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ListDir( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ) { Directory Info for Array ( [0] => 0 [10] => A [34] => john [40] => qmadmin [43] => vpopmail [45] => .vpasswd.lock [56] => .dir-control [89] => .qmail-default [115] => vpasswd [125] => postmaster [137] => lozejibdqihuf ) NOTE: A large number of entries were left out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ListDomains( $Sort = 'HDT' ) { Retrieve an array full of information about a domain. You must be a system admin to use this call. Order to display domains: TDH = top-level, mid-level, host DTH = mid-level, top-level, host HDT = host, mid-level, top-level where you usually see Want all the .com together - use TDH Want,, together - use DTH Want them all mixed up in host name order - use HDT If DomainOrder is not specified, you get HDT. This example data uses DTH mode. The data is DomainName => ParentName, If they both match, the domain is real, if they are different it is an alias of ParentName. Array ( [] => [] => [] => [] => [] => [] => [] => [] => ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ListLists( $Domain ) { Return an array where each element is the name of a mailing list within $Domain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ListUsers( $Domain ) { Retrieve an array full of information about a domain. You must be a system admin to list any domain, or the domain admin of the domain you wish to list. The users are in alpha order by Username. Array ( [04wcyrti] => Array ( [passwd] => $1$cBacCPRA$LxzczMu7dpn5KjZphYPKU0 [uid] => 1 [gid] => 0 [flags] => 0 [gecos] => Brigitte [dir] => /mail/domains/ [shell] => NOQUOTA [clear_pw] => Fisher ) [095wvsp] => Array ( [passwd] => $1$2lpyyZHz$XmcuvLSZDbOnIaDD9Yf93. [uid] => 1 [gid] => 0 [flags] => 0 [gecos] => Antone [dir] => /mail/domains/ [shell] => NOQUOTA [clear_pw] => Winn ) ) ========================================================= Domain Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function AddDomain( $Domain, $Password ) { Create a domain. Returns true if there was an error. The error string can be retrieved with the ErrorMessage() method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function DelDomain( $Domain ) { Delete a domain. Returns true if there was an error. The error string can be retrieved with the ErrorMessage() method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetLimits( $Domain ) { Limits for Array ( [maxpopaccounts:] => -1 [maxaliases:] => 1 [maxforwards:] => -1 [maxautoresponders:] => 3 [maxmailinglists:] => 3 [quota:] => 1 [maxmsgcount:] => 1 [default_quota:] => 1 [default_maxmsgcount:] => 1 [perm_account:] => 1 [perm_alias:] => 1 [perm_forward:] => 1 [perm_autoresponder:] => 1 [perm_maillist:] => 1 [perm_quota:] => 1 [perm_defaultquota:] => 1 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetLimits( $Domain, $Limits ); This function may still be subject to change. ========================================================= User Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function AddUser( $Domain, $User, $Password, $Gecos ) { Create a user. Returns true if there was an error. The error string can be retrieved with the ErrorMessage() method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function DelUser( $Domain, $User ) { Delete a user. Returns true if there was an error. The error string can be retrieved with the ErrorMessage() method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetLastAuth( $Domain, $User ) { LastAuth for 1077379947 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetLastAuthIP( $Domain, $User ) { LastAuthIP for ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ModUser( $Domain, $User, $UserInfo ) { Modify information about a user. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function UserInfo( $Domain, $User ) { $Domain, $User select the user to retrieve information on. Sys admins can specify any value for both. Domain admins must specify their own domain, and individual users must specify themselves. User Info for Array ( [name] => postmaster [comment] => Postmaster [quota] => NOQUOTA [dir] => /mail/domains/ [encrypted_password] => $1$zkJe.3SH$7HOl1RbwfKcibL67iXjsh/ [clear_text_password] => password [system_admin_privileges] => 1 ) ========================================================= File Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function RmDir( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); Remove a directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function MkDir( $Domain, $User, $Path ); Create a new directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function WriteFile( $Contents, $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); Write new contents to a file. $Contents is an array containing one line of the file per element. $Contents = array( 'This is the first line', 'This is the second line', 'This is the third line', 'This is the last line', ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ReadFile( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ) { ReadFile( '', '', '.qmail-default' ); was executed. File Info for Array ( [0] => | /mail/bin/delivermail '' /mail/domains/ ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function RmFile( $Domain, $User='', $Path='' ); Remove a File. ========================================================= IP Map Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetIPMap( $IP ) { Return the name of the domain associated with an IP address. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function AddIPMap( $Domain, $IP ) { Associate a domain with an IP address. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function DelIPMap( $Domain, $IP ) { Remove an association between an IP address and a domain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ShowIPMap() { Return an array, indexed by IP address, with the value for each key being the associated domain name. If more than one domain name is associated with an IP address, it is an error, but the object will return a comma separated list of domain names. VPopMail should probably check for this condition, but it does not. ========================================================= Internal Functions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function SockWrite( $Data ) { Internal function to write a string to a socket. Returns true if there is an error. Currently the only error detected is if the write length does not match the length of the string being written. We might need to adjust this to retry if part of the buffer is sent, and only error out if there is a real error. I think not sending everything is legal, say if MTU is less than buffer length. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function SockRead( $MaxLen=2048 ) { Internal function to read from a socket. This function tales care of the blank line problem, and should work if the blank lines exist or not. Returns the data string. Blank lines are skipped. We might want to switch to binary reads, loading as much data as is available, then parsing it into lines within this function as a way to speed things up. It may help, or it may not, the only way to find out is to benchmark both. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
©2004 - Rick Widmer Released under the PHP License |